
Transparency and accountability are key values for the Council, all income, spending, and financial decisions are open for anyone to inspect, unless there is an overriding reason otherwise (e.g. commercial sensitivity).

We publish as much as we can on the website, but if you would like any information which isn’t published below please get in touch.

Jubilee Field Playground

Witley and Milford Parish Council are delighted to announce that the new play equipment in the Jubilee Field has been installed and checked. The playground is now open for business.

Some of you may remember that last year the oak shed a branch, demolishing some of the old equipment. We decided that, for safety, the fenced area should be moved further away from the tree. The play area has been made larger to take some of the old equipment and the new pieces you see in the photo.

There is still some work to do. The two toddler swings will be fitted with new seats later in the year and we are always open to suggestions from residents to make our areas even more enjoyable.

Across the Jubilee Field we now have apparatus to cater for 2 – 14 year olds and, of course, we maintain the open area for football training and matches when teams need additional open space.

Co-option of a Parish Councillor

Witley & Milford Parish Council

Milford Ward

Three Parish Councillor vacancies have arisen at Witley & Milford Council as fewer nominations than available seats were formally received for Milford Ward at the recent local elections. These vacancies will be filled by co-option, the process is as follows:

A person is qualified to be elected and to be a parish councillor (LGA 1972, Sec 79(1)), if they are a British, Commonwealth, Republic of Ireland or European Union citizen and on the day of their nomination and subsequently the day of poll they are aged 18 or over, in addition, the person must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • on the relevant day and thereafter they continue to be on the electoral register for the parish, or
  • during the whole of the twelve months before that day they have owned or tenanted land or premises in the parish, or
  • during the whole of the twelve months before that day their principle or only place of work has been in the parish, or
  • during the whole of the twelve months before that day they have resided in the parish or within 3 miles of it.

Except for qualification (I), which must continue for the length of office, the above qualifications must apply for the period covering nomination and election, (LGA 1972, Sec79(2)).

Certain people are disqualified from standing, these include paid officers of the council (including clerks), bankrupts and those subject to recent sentences of imprisonment (within last 5 years prior to date of election), (LGA 1972, Sec 80).

Application forms, which must be proposed and seconded by two electors from the Parish’s electoral area, are available from the Clerk, Council Office, Milford Village Hall, Portsmouth Road, Milford, Surrey, GU8 5DS, , 01483 422044.

A Council meeting will be held at which candidates will be invited to attend and make a statement to Council as to why they should be elected. Council will then vote to elect any the parish councillors.

Mrs Sarah Nash


Witley & Milford Parish Council

Last modified on December 8th, 2022

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