Council Structure

Witley & Milford Parish Council consists of the following committee structure. Each Committee/Group has its own delegated responsibilities.

Witley & Milford Parish Council

All councillors meet together as Full Council once a month, excluding August and December.  These meetings are open to the public and are held on the last Thursday of the month at Burton Pavilion.

The Council also has three committees, each of which has its own budgetary responsibilities: Amenities and Environment, Finance and General Purposes and Staffing.  Until recently the Council also had a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Committee however this function has now been taken on by the Finance & General Purposes Committee who will be responsible for managing CIL expenditure.

Committee meetings are open to the public and take place either in Burton Pavilion or the Parish Office meeting room, however Staffing meetings are generally closed to the public due to the confidential nature of the business being discussed.

The Planning & Highways Group is a consultative body and meets every three weeks on a Wednesday. These meetings are held remotely in Zoom, and are open to the public.

Last modified on August 17th, 2023

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